Cranberry Gold

I was having Thanksgiving withdrawals so I decided to make a Thanksgiving dinner for me and Derrik last night. This was my first attempt at this oh so special holiday feast and I have to say it was pretty good. My mom has made these cranberries for years and it is probably the single best thing on my plate. I made this dinner last night solely so I could have an excuse to make and eat these cranberries. I don't know what they are called but lets just call them Cranberry Gold.
So for dinner we had cranberries, turkey, yam and brown sugar goodness, stuffing and cheddar biscuits (I will share the recipe shortly)
For now I am going to share the cranberry recipe. You might want to get a pen and paper to write this down it is pretty intense... cranberries, orange and sugar.

In a blender mix:
1 bag cranberries
1 entire orange, peel and everything (cut in fourths)
1 cup sugar

Puree till it is the consistency of applesauce.
Use spoon to devour.

Mahzy wanted to eat with us!


  1. Us eating at the table clearly interrupted Mahzy's fort time.


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