Light up my Life

Lighting is one of the first things I notice when I walk in a house, is it too bright, too dark? Fluorescent? Good design, no design?
I think lighting is one of those make or break things in a house or office. Lets take for instance my office at my place of work. On my first day here I walked into my office and thought "wow this lighting has got to go." the room was  glowing green. The walls were green the desk is that glass that has a green tint and the fluorescent lighting. I swear standing outside my office it was like green smoke was emerging. And on top of that almost everyone that came in said that I had a green tint to my skin. No bueno. After some subtle hints to my boss we changed the paint to a nice neutral beige and replaced all the fluorescent light bulbs. Very bueno. Now I can work without getting a pounding headache.
Anyway, back to lighting.
We bought our house from a couple of guys that had just redone everything, new carpet, tile, lights. Awesome right, well I don't want to sound like a complainer but the lighting is definitely not my first choice. It's new, so thats nice but all the bedrooms have the "boob lights" (if you don't know what that is just think about it for a second longer. It's pretty self explanatory.) Now don't get me wrong  those are nice, but the color isn't the best and I want my house to have a little more character. So my new mission in life is to find fun and unique lighting for my house, and Im starting with the living room.  Here are some fun ideas, they probably wouldn't work in our living room but they are fun to look at.

I adore the industrial but I don't think the one light bulb 
would be bright enough. 

Maybe I could just cover a lamp shade with burlap.

Love the style of this, hate the price tag, and I'm not sure a 
DIY would turn out as awesome as this little beaut.

I need some ideas, what do you guys think?


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